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Who has the right to bear arms?
Everyone has the right to take measures to defend themselves, their
families and their community against external threats, aggression, or oppression.
That right of self-defence extends to the right to bear arms. On
that basis, the people of Aotearoa, whether Maori or Pakeha, have a natural
right to possess and bear arms.
The New Zealand state and its agents, however, have no right to arms
The state does not exist for the defence of the people.
From its inception, the Realm of New Zealand has had a single over-riding
purpose: to seize and hold the land and people of Aotearoa in the name
of the British crown.
The state and its agents are all bound in allegiance to a foreign monarch
and have no loyalty to God or nation.
The Royal New Zealand Army, Navy and Air Force have only ever been
deployed in doomed but bloody attempts to impose British power upon the
people of Aotearoa and to impose the brutal Anglo-American imperial order
in other parts of the world such as Palestine, Mesopotamia, Samoa, Korea,
Vietnam and Afghanistan. They have never been used
to defend the true and legitimate interests of the people of Aotearoa.
The now fully-armed New Zealand police have consistently shown themselves
to be ready to use lethal force as a first choice rather than a last resort.
Many of their members are racist, have sadistic tendencies, and have been
proven guilty of crimes of moral turpitude which have been concealed at
the highest levels of state.
For all these reasons, by their own actions and conduct the New Zealand
state and its agents have forfeited the right to arms, and must be disarmed
for the safety and wellbeing of the people of Aotearoa.
The people of Aotearoa, including all iwi and Tuhoe in particular, retain
their natural and inalienable right to bear arms in self-defence.
The public have the right to bear arms.
The New Zealand state does not.